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Oct 2024

Gobernanza de Datos y las Nuevas Tecnologías de Mejora de la Privacidad: Panorama Global Y Retos para LAC

Authors: C Minds con el apoyo del Spinout de C Minds, Eon Institute para INAI


June 2023

Metaverse. The opportunities of the future. Perspectives from Latin America and the Caribbean.

Authors: C Minds with the support and contributions from Meta

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May 2023

Responsible AI training of trainers model

Authors: IDB, IDB LAB, Tecnológico de Monterrey, C Minds and the Government of Jalisco

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May 2023

Ethical IA module for acceleration programmes

Authors: IDB, IDB LAB, Tecnológico de Monterrey, C Minds and the Government of Jalisco

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May 2023

Report on Learning and Policy Recommendations for Cases of fAIr Use LAC Jalisco - School Dropouts

Authors: IDB, IDB LAB, Tecnológico de Monterrey, C Minds and the Government of Jalisco

(Género) 1.4.6 Reportes de aprendizajes de los casos de uso y recomendaciones de política

November 2023

Report on Lessons Learned and Policy Recommendations for Use Cases of fAIr LAC Jalisco - OlivIA

Authors: IDB, IDB LAB, Tecnológico de Monterrey, C Minds and the Government of Jalisco

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April 2023

Digital Tokens for Climate Action and Nature-Based Solutions: Exploration of Opportunities and Considerations

Authors: IDB Lab with the collaboration of C Minds

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October 2022

AI Ethics for Latin America: Booklet for Start-Ups and Companies

Authors: C Minds' Eon Resilience Lab with the support and contributions from Meta

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November 2021

The pandemic's impact on employment: analysis of the sectors at risk of automation in Mexico's post-pandemic economy

Authors: C Minds' Eon Resilience Lab for Dev.f

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September 2021

Safe online learning: Guide for Latin American academic institutions to protect student' digital data in the school context

Authors: C Minds' Eon Resilience Lab and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

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August 2021

LIFT: Leon Innovating for the Future of Work. Promoting and strengthening the labor market insertion of young people.

Authors: C Minds' Eon Resilience Lab, the Municipal Youth Institute of León and the General Directorate of Innovation of León

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August 2021

Advancing Digital Inclusion in Mexico

Authors: C Minds' Eon Resilience Lab, the German Cooperation (GIZ), and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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May 2021

Ethical Assessment of AI for Actors within the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: Application Guide

Authors: fAIr LAC, IDB Lab with the collaboration of C Minds

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August 2020

Agro Jalisco: Public Policy Recommendations Report

Authors: C Minds

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June 2020

Mexico: the story and lessons behind Latin America's first AI strategy

Authors: C Minds and CAF

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May 2020

Leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence for the Borderplex Region

Authors: C Minds

Responsible and Widespread Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Latin America and the Ca

January 2020

fAIr LAC: Responsible and Widespread Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Latin America and the Caribbean

Authors: IDB Lab with the collaboration of de C Minds

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October 2018

Global Mapping of Artificial Intelligence Centers

Authors: C Minds

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January 2019

National Survey of Artificial Intelligence

Authors: CEDN, CNBV, C Minds, Dev.F, ODI

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April 2018

What is the potential for open banking in Mexico?

Authors: British Embassy in Mexico, C Minds, and ODI


August 2023

Open Loop Mexico: Public Policy Prototype on the Transparency and Explainability of Artificial Intelligence Systems

Authors: Meta, C Minds, and the IDB, via its fAIr LAC initiative, with support from INAI


June 2023

Capacity building programme for public officials on harnessing responsible AI for more effective public policy

Authors: IDB, IDB LAB, Tecnológico de Monterrey, C Minds and the Government of Jalisco

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May 2023

fAIr LAC local hub model in Jalisco

Authors: IDB, IDB LAB, Tecnológico de Monterrey, C Minds and the Government of Jalisco

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May 2023

Recommendation for regulatory guidelines for public and industry data for Artificial Intelligence training

Authors: IDB, IDB LAB, Tecnológico de Monterrey, C Minds and the Government of Jalisco

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May 2023

Report on Lessons Learned and Policy Recommendations for Use Cases of fAIr LAC Jalisco - Retina IA

Authors: IDB, IDB LAB, Tecnológico de Monterrey, C Minds and the Government of Jalisco


April 2023

Advancing Children’s Digital Rights in Mexico

Authors: C Minds' AI for Good Lab and Eon Resilience Lab with The British Embassy in Mexico

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March 2023

The Potential of Augmented Reality for Primary Education in Mexico

Authors: C Minds' Eon Resilience Lab, and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom through The British Embassy in Mexico, and the Frontier Tech Hub 

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June 2022

ImpactIA: AI for Mexico's Sustainable and Inclusive Economic Recovery

Authors: C Minds' Eon Resilience Lab commissioned by GIZ, the German Cooperation (GIZ), and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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October 2021

Responsible use of AI for public policy: Data science toolkit

Authors: OCDE, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and the collaboration of C Minds


September 2021

Safe online learning: policies and governance for student data protection in Latin America

Authors: C Minds' Eon Resilience Lab and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

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August 2021

Keep Calm and Harness AI for Economic Recovery

Authors: The British Embassy in Mexico and C Minds' Eon Resilience Lab

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August 2021

AI for Climate Living Lab Yucatan: Case Study Recommendations Report

Authors: AI for Climate Initiative founded by C Minds and Christopher Cordova Agency

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September 2020

Mexican National Agenda of Artificial Intelligence

Authors: Members of the Coalition IA2020Mx

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Junio 2020

AI for Social Good in Latin America and the Caribbean: the regional landscape and 12 countries snapshots

Authors: C Minds and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

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May 2020

Data Economy and Artificial Intelligence in Latin America: Opportunities and Risks for a Responsible Use

Authors: C Minds

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March 2020

My Job, My future: Preparing Ciudad Juárez for the Future of Work

Authors: C Minds

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January 2019

Mexican Pilot Project using the UK Open Banking Standard

Authors: CEDN, C Minds, CNBV, Dev.F, ODI

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June 2018

Towards an AI Strategy in Mexico: Harnessing the AI Revolution

Authors: British Embassy in Mexico, C Minds, and Oxford Insights

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March 2018

Comparative Distributed Ledgers (DLTs)

Authors: C Minds

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